Go to Japan on the Student Exchange Program

Independence High School & College Students have a travel opportunity for a two week home-stay in Japan..

If you like to meet new people, are interested in Japanese culture and language, and would like to be a part of a life changing experience over the course of two weeks, this program is for you!

When in Japan, you’ll tour historical and exciting spots such as Shibuya, Tokyo Tower, The Emperor’s Garden and more! Each student will live with a host family and experience everyday Japanese life. During this time the students will visit the Elementary Sister City School and the Junior High Sister School, as well as meet with and get to know the Japanese Student Ambassadors. You’ll will also meet with the Mayor of Higashimurayama, City Council, School board, and other city officials.

By the end of the experience American students will have not only been able to visit Japan, but they will have a Japanese family, feel a part of the community and have friends for a lifetime. The same opportunity is given to the ten Japanese Student Ambassadors and these two groups will have been able to spend many weeks together between the exchange programs. American students are not required to host a Japanese student, but it is available and highly suggested for a full experience.

Candidates must be residents of Independence, going to Truman, Chrisman, Van Horn, or Fort Osage High Schools; or going to a private school, or are a home-schooled student. Candidates may also be college students going to a local college or attending an out-of-town college if their parents live in Independence. The age requirements are 15 years old or having completed their freshman year of high school up to 22 years of age. Students must uphold high personal standards of conduct and earn the recommendation of school officials.

Applications for the upcoming delegation will be accepted at the beginning of the school year. Students will have time to prepare for the trip by attending classes covering Japanese social customs and introduction to the language.